Untapped Environmental Policy

At Untapped, we recognise our responsibility to minimise our environmental impact and contribute positively to the planet. Our commitment to the environment aligns with our core values: Considered, Resilience, Ambition, Future-Focused and Straight-Talking.

Our Commitment

We thoughtfully assess the environmental implications of our actions, ensuring our solutions are well-planned and effective.

- Sustainable Practices: We integrate environmental considerations into our business processes and project planning.
- Resource Efficiency: We strive to minimise waste and optimise the use of resources such as energy and materials.

We are steadfast in our dedication to environmental stewardship, even when faced with challenges.

- Continuous Improvement: We regularly evaluate and enhance our environmental performance.
- Compliance: We adhere to all relevant environmental laws and regulations, ensuring we meet or exceed statutory requirements.

We set high standards for ourselves, aiming not just to comply but to lead by example in environmental responsibility.

- Innovative Solutions: We invest in developing and adopting technologies that promote sustainability.
- Goal Setting: We establish measurable environmental objectives and track our progress towards achieving them.

We look ahead to anticipate environmental challenges and opportunities, ensuring our actions today contribute to a sustainable tomorrow.

- Long-Term Vision: We incorporate environmental considerations into our strategic planning.
- Education and Advocacy: We promote environmental awareness among our team and stakeholders, encouraging sustainable practices beyond our organisation.

We communicate our environmental policies and performance openly and honestly.

- Transparency: We provide clear information about our environmental impact and initiatives.
- Accountability: We take responsibility for our actions and are open about our successes and areas for improvement.

Action Plan

To uphold our commitments, Untapped will:

1. Minimise Waste
- Reduce paper usage by embracing digital documentation and communication.
- Implement recycling programmes for office supplies and electronic equipment.

2. Enhance Energy Efficiency
Use energy-efficient devices and encourage responsible energy consumption among remote team members.
- Explore renewable energy options where feasible.

3. Promote Sustainable Travel
Encourage virtual meetings to reduce the need for travel.
- When travel is necessary, opt for environmentally friendly transportation options where possible.

4. Sustainable Procurement
-Choose suppliers and partners who share our environmental values.
- Prioritise products and services with minimal environmental impact.To uphold our commitments, Untapped will:

5. Employee Engagement
- Provide training and resources to foster an environmentally conscious culture within our team.
- Encourage staff to contribute ideas for improving our environmental performance.

Responsibility and Review

All Untapped employees are responsible for upholding this policy. Leadership will ensure the necessary resources are available to implement these commitments effectively.T

his policy will be reviewed annually to ensure it remains relevant and reflects our evolving environmental goals.

By aligning our environmental efforts with our core values, Untapped is committed to making a positive difference. We believe that through considered action, resilience in the face of challenges, ambitious goals, a future-focused approach, and straight-talking communication, we can contribute to a more sustainable world.

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